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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Sometimes, we are worried and have a fearful heart.
We need to wait on God. He knows what is best for us.


Monday, April 15, 2024

My New Phone Case

Well, I was going to try to do this on my phone. I don't see how to add a photo, though. I guess I'll have to wait until I get to my computer. so much for things being easy. I was wanting to start posting more often and thought using the phone would be a good way to do it. oh well. 

OK, I am now at my computer and here are the pics. Well, now when I try to upload the pics, they show up as a computer code! OK, I figured it out! My goof! I was in HTML view instead of Compose.

God bless you and have a good day.

Monday, December 4, 2023

UPDATE:  I redid the pic to show the rest of the dates and give-aways!

Belinda Jo's Books


OK, it's time to give away some eBooks! I haven't done it for a while. I wanted to have them all at one time for several days -- no gimmicks, etc. But it's not working out that way. So here is a pic with the listings of which books for which dates. Note the devotional books are only for the 5th. I will try to do them again later if anyone is interested. Just go to Amazon and search for my name. Belinda Jo Adams

Merry Christmas from me to you!

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

I plan to be set up this year for the event! Come see me! And ALL the other vendors eager to sell their wares.

Christmas in the Cross

Monday, November 20, 2023

Do Butterflies sleep?

Taken with my phone: Moto G Power (2022)

This morning in the cool, crisp air, I walked to the mailbox. On my way back home, I saw the glimpse of an object on the ground. Stopping to look closer, I thought it was a dead butterfly. I took out my phone to get a picture of it being it seemed whole and not damaged. Then I decided to go to the house for my camera. I thought it be nigh to impossible that I would find it again. I counted my steps to the shrub at the corner, got the camera, went to the shrub and counted my way back and lo, and behold, it was still there, and I saw it! So, I took a couple pics with my camera. And it was not dead. I saw it change positions, then I saw an antenna move. So, my next question was, do butterflies sleep? So, I did a search and came up with this page.


Taken with my camera (Canon Powershot 530 HD) 
Note: It can take much better pictures. It depends on the photographer. :)

Friday, November 17, 2023

 I've had three things to happen to me lately about my writings and other people.

#1 At a family reunion, one of my husband's nieces (in-law) came up to me and said, "I didn't know you were a writer." I asked how she knew now. She said she was on Amazon looking for a book and one of the suggestions was by me!

#2 One of our church members saw my books for sale in a local store. She told me she knew I had written a book, but she didn't know how many!

#3 My neighbor found a little packet of sign language stationary at a secondhand store. She knew I know sign language so showed it to me. I grinned and told her that I had made that! She said no, it had a price on it. I said, yes, the price is in my handwriting! :) I guess it was one that I had sold or given away and it ended up at the secondhand store.

Neat huh?!

Wednesday, December 28, 2022


 1820 teen as an adjective or noun; 1895 teener; 1925  teenage – adjective or noun; 1955 teenaged.

 If the word teenage was not used before 1925, what were people from age 13-19 called back then?

My guess is adults. They worked, raised families, went to college and fought wars.

             Teenagers – The word teenage was not even a word before 1925[1]. Teenager did not gain popularity until 1930’s and that was because of rock music. What were people from age thirteen to nineteen called before that time? I think, probably adults. Many of the people these ages were married with children of their own. Some were in college, for school was finished at a much earlier age than now. Some were cowboys or outlaws. The ones who were still at home were preparing for adult life by doing part of the work on the farm or working in factories to help earn money for the family. The people who were those ages did not sit around the house and waste time or complain of boredom. They were busy helping the family or raising their own family.

I believe today many of the people those ages have too much time on their hands and do not know what to do with it. They sit home alone while both parents work to give them things, wander the streets, or hang around in gangs. More young people should strive to help their family and study hard to make something good of themselves for their future family and our nation.

I know we cannot, in our society, have people who are in their teen years doing all that was done back previous to a hundred years ago, but we could give them more responsibility. Then they can feel as if they were part of society and not just in ‘in between years’ waiting to grow up.

Update 2022: During the past couple decades; I have known parents who have looked at their child-rearing years as ‘raising future adults’. Each of those families has succeeded in their effort and I watched their children become responsible adults without a lot of heartache.

I have wanted to share this for a long time but being I did not have a ‘solution’ to the situation, did not know how to do so. But, the last two mornings on the radio show Focus on the Family, there was a man talking about Parenting Teens Toward Adulthood. It was a two-part program. I would suggest that if you have children that you listen to these programs. He has a solution to the dilemma parents seem to be facing today!

[1] Teenager – teenage – adj – or noun – b1925; teen – adj – or noun b1820; teener – 1895; teenaged – b1955; teen – v – annoy – b 1150 – English Through the Ages by William Brohaugh

Websters: P. 1211

 Cute Note: 1000AD, teen was used to mean injury & 1150AD, teen was a verb meaning to annoy.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

 THANK YOU to all the people who took advantage of the free offer for my eBooks. It ended up at 54 books given away and Satilla Secrets was the most downloaded. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them! God bless you and Merry Christmas! ~Belinda Jo Adams

Monday, December 12, 2022

 All novels AND devotional books by Belinda Jo Adams,

in the eBook format, will be FREE at Amazon December 16-19.
Yes, that's 4 days that you have a chance to download one for yourself or to give as a gift to someone! FREE!
Just go to Amazon and search for Belinda Jo Adams.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

My weight loss journey ... continued.

I am doing a HAPPY DANCE, well, at least in my mind! I am 71 years old today. Praise God for another year! I weighed and measured today and that is why I am happy. I have not weighed these many pounds since 1993! And that was after I had moved to a new state and gained 10 pounds the first year! I am now down to 124.6. And in the last year I have lost 6 more inches!

I had come to a standstill again at 130 pounds last year on my birthday. Then in June of this year, I started watching my carb intake. Trying to make sure I was getting enough I need for energy, but less than I consumed before. And I got a jumpstart to lose more weight and inches. 

Now, I want to try to stay at this size. Hopefully. Also, I am still (mostly) doing the South Beach Version. But, in June I read his book on South Beach, Keto Friendly.

Happy Birthday to me! Now, for Pizza and Cheesecake (GF) as a treat today!

NOTE: For my previous entries on this 4-year journey, see:

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

My Weight Loss Journey

Refer to: South Beach Diet Plan dated 9-1-18, before reading this update.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

 Microsoft is telling me it is Hummingbird Day. So here is a group of pics I put together that I have taken. Keep in mind I am not a photographer. I am just a picture taker.  I chose not to feed them this year. We have flowers so they can enjoy nature's way. So, we have not seen many. However, last week, I saw at least 5 playing around our bottle brush trees. I got a movie, but it is too long to post.